Parish Hall

The renovated parish hall served as our church from 1979 until 2019.  In 2020, a small group of parishioners renovated the building, transforming it into a parish hall that we use for meetings and social events.


The new church was dedicated in November 2019 after decades of planning and gathering the necessary financial resources.  The Low Country style exemplifies the simple, classic lifestyle of Edisto.


A columbarium is a place for the repose of ashes from cremated remains.  In the Catholic Church, it is a sacred space.  A space where one can visit and sit with ancestors.  At St Frederick and St. Stephen, our columbarium is set in a garden.  Our columbarium contains 80 niches, each of which can hold two urns.  There are two walls that have four rows of ten niches.  Our columbarium is designed for expansion to easily add another 80 niches when the time comes to do so.  The garden and columbarium contain a prominent statue of Mary in the garden that has been generously donated by the Women’s Guild.  There is also a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Work is nearly complete.  There are a couple of additional statues, a cross, and landscaping to be completed as of October 2024. 
If you are ready to purchase a niche, it is time.  We have begun selling niches.  To buy one, you can contact either Laraine Watkins, 803-348-1185; Gary Watkins, 843-603-0623; or Dave Steiger, 216-410-1530, to set up an appointment to purchase a niche.  At the appointment, you will be asked to select a niche, sign a contract, approve name spelling and birth dates, and write a check for $3975. 
After a few months, the cost of niches will increase and we plan to open up eligibility to persons outside of St Frederick and St Stephen parishioners.  Prices may also vary based on the location within the columbarium wall.  Those details are to be determined.

If you have any questions before deciding to make a purchase, please see one of the Building Committee members, Matthew Kizer, Peter Beck, Medd Box, Chris Harrington, or Bill Swift.  Or email

Prayer Garden

The columbarium will be incorporated into a Prayer Garden that will provide a quiet, meditative area for prayer and reflection.  Memorial opportunities will be available and information will be coming soon